It's Wednesday, Hump Day, my 5-minute rant...with a solution.

Wednesday is Hump Day, and for some of us, Rant Day. I claim it today.

A 5-minute rant. with a solution. I Promise. 😎

This "click-bait" post titled, "The Darker You Are..." from yesterday was the last straw for me. I rarely take the bait, but I "kneejerk" lost it and posted "Take that divisive, racist mess down."

It's still up. So I'm posting every day, in Spanish, Arabic, and every other language I don't know (thanks to Bing Translator). Exercising my right, too, to freedom of speech.
None of us can sit this one out anymore y’all. The onslaught of devaluating imagery targeted at the young African American psyche is unrelenting, from day one. Even the most resilient of us suffer silently from experienced or observed indignities. Too many give up, sadly.
To be honest, I hurt, I get enraged and want to kick some butt! I get on my computer and draw, write, create - something! That's been my saving grace through life, creativity - and my wonderful children.. We all are endowed with that be constructive, in the face of destructive forces.
Solution: Collectively build a counter-offensive imagery industry, to innovate our own empowering visual narratives, disseminated 24/7, 365 days a year, for the next 100 years +. Build a preparedness products and services industry, straight outta' the African American community, that employs all who dare to self-prepare, and all who value faith, togetherness, and our common humanity.
That's the mission of all Century 5-10-10-75™ activity: to prepare and build, for the next 100 years and beyond. That "100-year" declaration alone stirs fear in some people. Too bad!
We can't sit on the fence anymore. Why? We are posturing, not prospering, as a culture. By 2053 it is predicted that African American median wealth will be Zero. The disparity in our current wealth, spending, and savings habits validates this prediction.
Zero median wealth means lifelong captivity to debt, diminished quality of life, and no retirement. To this I say NOPE! Not on my watch. We need to collectively get behind this declaration!

Join Century 5-10-10-75™ as an Alumni Member and support the most peacefully aggressive economic mobilization to a preparedness-strong nation, for all. No need to boycott, or march, or hold up traffic! Our most powerful arsenal is our dollar. When we practice 5-10-10-75 collectively, and churn at least 5% back into kinship community commerce, we will all prosper, as our freedom- seeking ancestors envisioned and sacrificed for.
Just one more thing...
That man-made black/white racial construct was never divinely ordained and has got to go! Culture, Ethnicity, Tribe – are legitimate attributes assigned by God. Racial superiority is an antiquated myth of people who live in fear of losing power. We can neutralize the adverse effects of racism on the psyche as we become more prepared: financially, strategically, spiritually.
Equity of access to financial & strategic preparedness, for all, is the sum of all fears to racists. They've always known that there are only two kinds of people- the prepared and the unprepared. Bullies of the world have always exploited the unprepared, no matter their color. thing...
If we want to self-identify as “Black” then we should honor the ancestors and start truly living “in the Black”: financially, strategically, and spiritually #PreparednessStrong.
Happy Hump Day.
Enjoy the sun ☀️ and remember...our individual worth is forever priceless to God! Why?...
1 Peter 2:9 " are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."


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